The Murphy USA at 6401 Atlanta Highway in Montgomery is selling the cheapest midgrade unleaded gasoline near zip code 36119 this week, according to
The average cost for a gallon of midgrade unleaded gas in or near zip code 36109 for the week of October 14-20 is $2.66, according to The lowest price is $2.62.
The average cost for a gallon of regular gas in or near zip code 36108 for the week of October 14-20 is $2.28, according to The lowest price is $2.23.
The average cost for a gallon of premium gas in or near zip code 36752 for the week of October 21-27 is $3.05, according to The lowest price is $3.05.
The AAFES - Gunter at 85 S. Turner Blvd. in Montgomery is selling the cheapest regular gasoline near zip code 36115 this week, according to
The average cost for a gallon of diesel gas in or near zip code 36113 for the week of October 21-27 is $2.89, according to The lowest price is $2.89.
The average cost for a gallon of premium gas in or near zip code 36191 for the week of October 21-27 is $3.05, according to The lowest price is $2.79.
The average cost for a gallon of regular gas in or near zip code 36123 for the week of October 21-27 is $2.24, according to The lowest price is $2.15.
The average cost for a gallon of premium gas in or near zip code 36114 for the week of October 21-27 is $3.15, according to The lowest price is $2.99.
There were 1,245 total OASDI retired beneficiaries in Alabama zip code 36064 in 2018, a 7.8 percent increase over 2017, which had only 1,155 total retired beneficiaries, according to the official Social Security Administration website.
The average cost for a gallon of regular gas in or near zip code 36117 for the week of October 21-27 is $2.27, according to The lowest price is $2.21.
The Murphy USA at 10620 Chantilly Parkway in Montgomery is selling the cheapest regular gasoline near zip code 36064 this week, according to
There were 24 air transportation businesses in Alabama that had between one and four employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
The Marathon at 3150 Birmingham Highway in Montgomery is selling the cheapest diesel gasoline near zip code 36112 this week, according to